In this article: Discover the best crystal combinations for Black Obsidian and their benefits!

Also called the ‘psychic vacuum cleaner’, Black Obsidian is a powerful protective crystal with a strong grounding force. Like many other stones, it can be used to soothe your physical, emotional and spiritual well-being.

If you want to get the most out of your Black Obsidian, you can pair it with gemstones that match its energy.

Read on to learn about the 10 best crystal combinations for black obsidian and how to use them.

Here are the ten best crystal combinations for Black Obsidian:

rose quartz
smoky quartz
black tourmaline
clear quartz

Rose Quartz and Black Obsidian Togethe

Rose quartz is probably one of the best crystals that you can pair with black obsidian. This pale pink stone has a calming energy that balances and harmonizes the stronger power of Black Obsidian.

If you are looking for emotional healing, pairing Black Obsidian with Rose Quartz may be an ideal choice.

We all carry emotional baggage. It affects not only the way we think about ourselves but also our mental and physical health.

With Rose Quartz and Black Obsidian, you will learn to accept and process your trapped emotions, which can help you release past trauma.

Both of these stones have soothing vibrations that will encourage you to connect with your emotions and help you understand them.

Rose Quartz and Black Obsidian also have a calming presence that provides comfort in times of grief and can even help release negative emotions such as anger and resentment.

Selenite and Black Obsidian together

Selenite is a type of gypsum that has the ability to clear energetic blockages and promote mental clarity.

When combined with Black Obsidian, both crystals have a powerful effect on your spiritual well-being.

This combination will help clear away negative energies that are blocking your path to success and make room for positive, healing energies to come in.

Selenite and Black Obsidian can also be used for grounding and purification rituals, ensuring you stay focused and energized with clear intentions.

During meditation and spiritual practice, this pairing can clear the aura and enhance your connection with the divine realms

Smoky Quartz and Black Obsidian together

Next on our list of the best crystal combinations for black obsidian is Smoky Quartz. It is a foundational stone that balances the lower chakras, making it a perfect fit for Black Obsidian.

You can use Black Obsidian and Smoky Quartz together to clear negative energy from the body and promote detoxification on all levels.

Together, these two crystals can help you take control of your emotions and keep you calm when you need it. They can be especially useful if you find yourself in a stressful situation.

Another great benefit of this crystal pairing is that both crystals can help you find inner strength in times of difficulty.

Because they both hold a powerful grounding force, you can also meditate with these two stones to encourage self-awareness and open yourself to greater insight.

Hematite and Black Obsidian together

Also called the stone of the mind, hematite is often used to remove hallucinations. You can combine it with Black Obsidian to learn to identify, understand and organize your thoughts.

With their strong vibrations, Hematite and Black Obsidian are perfect for promoting mental clarity, allowing you to see the truth in any situation.

By keeping these two stones with you, you will have clear perception and will be able to take wise decisions.

If you’re studying for a test or need to focus on your work, you can carry Hematite and Black Obsidian with you to boost concentration and absorb information more easily.

This pairing can also boost your self-esteem and increase your willpower, making it the perfect choice for those who are quiet and timid.

Malachite and Black Obsidian together

Like Black Obsidian, Malachite is a powerful stone for transformation. You can use both of these to achieve personal growth and open yourself to new horizons.

Making big changes may seem daunting, but the truth is that it can be done one small step at a time. This is where Black Obsidian and Malachite can help.

Together, these two stones can help create an uplifting and positive environment that encourages inspiration and creativity. This effective pair will also give you the determination needed to get the most out of life.

If you are looking for positive changes in your life, this combination can open doors to new opportunities and help you realize your dreams.

Black Tourmaline and Black Obsidian together

Black Tourmaline is a crystal that is considered a powerful protector against negative vibrations. This property can be enhanced when Black Tourmaline is combined with Black Obsidian.

Together, these two crystals create an aura of strength and protection that keeps you safe in any situation.

Black Tourmaline and Black Obsidian can also bring balance on all levels by energizing the body, calming your emotions and clearing away any unwanted thoughts.

These two foundation stones are particularly useful for spiritual practices such as meditation, chanting or rituals. With them, you’ll learn to reconnect with what’s really important in life.

Finally, you can use Black Tourmaline and Black Obsidian together to reduce exposure to electromagnetic fields. Keep them near your electronic devices to avoid headaches, fatigue or stress caused by EMF.

Amethyst and Black Obsidian together

Amethyst is a powerful stone known for its ability to promote spiritual enlightenment, mental clarity and intuition.

When mixed with Black Obsidian, it can clear negative energies from your aura and open you up to higher forms of consciousness.

Amethyst and black obsidian both encourage spiritual awakening, meaning they are excellent tools for finding inner peace and wisdom.

This combination can also help you gain greater self-awareness by improving your curiosity and encouraging you to accept new ideas.

With these two amazing crystals working together, you will definitely raise your vibration and find a way to connect with your truth.

Pyrite and Black Obsidian together

Pyrite is another great crystal that you can pair with Black Obsidian. Together, these two stones can bring a powerful energy of abundance, success and prosperity into your life.

Pyrite works to enhance the properties of Black Obsidian and this combination can be used to help you become more aware of your thoughts and intentions.

Living a meaningful life is very important and can be achieved through a growth mindset. With the healing energies of Pyrite and Black Obsidian, you will learn to persevere despite failure and accept challenges as opportunities.

These two powerful crystals will also give you the courage to take risks and move forward with confidence.

If you want to become a better version of yourself, pairing Pyrite with Black Obsidian is definitely a good idea.

Clear Quartz and Black Obsidian Together

Also known as the Master Healer, Clear Quartz is known for its ability to enhance energy. When combined with Black Obsidian, it can help clear energy blockages in all of your chakras.

With their strong healing vibrations, Clear Quartz and Black Obsidian allow energy to flow through your body and protect you from all forms of negativity.

Clear Quartz enhances the energetic protection provided by Black Obsidian and also has the ability to clear your aura of mental fog.

Both stones are strongly connected to the spiritual world, meaning they can help you tap into your innate abilities.

With Clear Quartz and Black Obsidian, you will instantly connect with your higher self. This will give you great information about recovery and moving forward with confidence.

Citrine and Black Obsidian together

Last on our list of best crystal combinations for Black Obsidian is Citrine. It has a warm energy that fills your life with creativity, success and positivity.

This crystal combination is perfect for those who want to open their heart and soul to the power of manifestation

Citrine and Black Obsidian can work together to create an energy flow that brings happiness, abundance, and prosperity into your life.

If you need to slowly step out of your comfort zone, these two amazing stones can definitely help you with that.

With Citrine and Black Obsidian, you will learn to take life seriously and make decisions with conviction.

You can also use these crystals to clear away any obstacles in your way and open yourself to higher vibrations.

How to use crystal combinations for black obsidian

All of the crystal combinations mentioned for Black Obsidian are perfect for healing your body, mind, and spirit. Here are some great ways you can use them:

Place crystals on your chakras

You can place your crystals on your chakras to open and activate them.

Doing this will cause the energy of your crystal to be absorbed by your body and block the energy flow within you.

Black obsidian connects to the root chakra so you can place it at the base of your spine. Then, you can choose one or more crystals to place on your other chakras and create a crystal body layout.

Chakra cleansing is a powerful practice that can help you release any emotional burdens and open the way to a new you.

If you are doing this at home, make sure you are in a peaceful and quiet environment for best results.

set an intention

Before you start using your crystals, you can set an intention for what you want to achieve with them.

This will help focus your energy and direct the power of your crystals towards what you want to achieve.

You can manifest whatever you want with your crystals. But the intention you choose should come from your heart rather than your mind, as this will help the crystals work more effectively.

Once you set your intentions, don’t forget to work toward your goals to make sure they come true.

take a walk in nature

Nature walks have many health benefits. In fact, they are a natural antidote to stress. They can also help promote mindfulness in your everyday life.

If you want to feel more centered and grounded the next time you go out for a walk, take some crystals with you.

This will help you feel more aware of things around you and also keep you more connected to your stone.

The energy you will take from being in contact with nature and your crystals, even for just a few minutes, is incredible. So don’t miss it!

Deep breathing while holding a crystal

Deep breathing exercises release negative energy and help you live in the present moment. They can change your entire physical, emotional and mental state.

You can add crystals to it to make it even more powerful.

You should hold your chosen crystal in your hands and take a few deep breaths. Imagine yourself surrounded by the energy of these crystals and allow them to fill you with positive energy.

Doing this will help you connect with the healing energies of your stone. In turn, this will allow them to work their magic on your mind, body and soul.